100-Word Stories from a collection in-progress, “Tart Juice.”
“1988” first appeared in Nailed.
“Bantams” first appeared in Alimentum Journal.
“Bekaa Valley”, “Gossamer Wings”, “The Homeless Hires of Fukushima”, “Luck,” and “Meseket” first appeared in A Quiet Courage.
“Biography,” “Charcoal Maker,” “Crown of Moths,” “Laurels,” and “Migrations” first appeared in The Citron Review.
“Biography” and “Curves” also appeared in sparkle + blink.
“Extractions,” “Generations and Origins,” “Hopscotch,”** “Sleeping Beauty,” “Towards,” and “Waking,” first appeared in The Fabulist.
“Leverage, The Knitter, Pigeons” appeared in Nailed.
“Meliai” and “We Are All Human, Even on the South Lawn in 1972” first appeared in Cleaver Magazine.
“Nothing Short Of: Selected Tales from 100 Word Story” appeared in Amazon.
“Passenger” appeared in The Citron Review.
“Road to Turkey and four others” appeared in Homestead Review
“Rooted” first appeared in The Stockholm Review of Literature.
“The Cassandran” appeared in Litro.
“The Dry Cleaner” first appeared in Duende.
“The Toast” and “Twins” first appeared in 100 Word Story.
“Virago” first appeared in the Boston Literary Magazine.
**Hopscotch was nominated for a 2015 Pushcart Prize.